Medical Conditions

Ankle Strains and Instability

Severity for this condition can vary.

The ankle joint acts as a hinge between the leg and the foot. It is held in place by ligaments, muscles and tendons which facilitate a large range of motion at the joint. Due to this range of movement it can be susceptible to injuries.

Ankle Strain and Sprain:

An ankle strain or sprain is usually the results of a sudden twisting movement of the ankle where the ligaments, muscles or tendons are pulled in the wrong direction.

Symptoms of an ankle injury can include:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Bruising or discolouration of the skin at the affected area
  • Rupture of the ligaments
  • Possible bone breakage
  • Dislocation of the ankle joint
  • Inability to put weight through the affected foot.
  • Ankle instability

Ankle Instability:

Occasionally the ankle can continue to feel weak and unstable for a long period after a more serious ankle injury. This can make the ankle feel weak and like it might ‘give way’ when walking or completing daily activities. This increased instability can increase the risk of further injury or increase the risk of falls.

Total Body Orthotics has a wide range of ankle supports available for the immediate treatment of ankle injuries or for the long term management of ankle instabilities.

If you have any questions please contact a member of the team using our online enquiries form or by emailing

Recovery Time
Can Vary
Self Treatable

Symptoms of an ankle injury can include:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Bruising or discolouration of the skin at the affected area
  • Rupture of the ligaments
  • Possible bone breakage
  • Dislocation of the ankle joint
  • Inability to put weight through the affected foot.
  • Ankle instability

Immediately post injury the RICE treatment program can be followed.

  1. Rest – stop the exercise or activities that caused the injury until you feel better
  2. Ice – put an ice pack (you could use a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel) on the injury for up to 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours
  3. Compress – wrap a bandage around the injury to support it
  4. Elevate – if possible, keep the injured area raised on a pillow when sitting or lying down

For long term ankle instability Total Body Orthotics offers a range of ankle braces to help support you in your daily activities and help prevent further injury.

Products for Ankle Strains and Instability