Medical Conditions

Achillies Tendonitis

Severity for this condition can vary.

Achilles Tendonitis is an overuse injury of the Achilles tendon which attaches your calf muscle at the back of your leg to your heel bone (or Calcaneous). You use the Achilles tendon to run, walk, jump and rise up onto the balls of your feet. Continuous overuse can cause inflammation and pain in the Achilles tendon.

Tendonitis is when a tendon becomes inflamed and becomes painful after a tendon injury. You can treat mild tendon injuries yourself and should feel better within 2 to 12 weeks.


  • Pain and discomfort around the back of the heel.
  • Swelling
  • Occasional tingling
  • Tightness of the calf muscle when completing activities.
  • Increase risk of cramps in the calf.
  • Reduced movement when trying to lift the foot.
  • Increased temperature of the skin around the heel.

Risk Factors:

  • Wearing worn down or poor fitting footwear.
  • Biomechanical foot alignment issues
  • Bony heel spurs
  • Prolonged wearing of high heeled shoes.
  • Age – tendons weaken with age.
  • Exercising without a proper walk up.
  • Straining the calf muscles during exercise.
  • Tightness in the calf muscle from insufficient flexibility.

If you have any questions please contact a member of the team using our online enquiries form or by emailing

Recovery Time
Can Vary
Self Treatable


  • Pain and discomfort around the back of the heel.
  • Swelling
  • Occasional tingling
  • Tightness of the calf muscle when completing activities.
  • Increase risk of cramps in the calf.
  • Reduced movement when trying to lift the foot.
  • Increased temperature of the skin around the heel.

Total Body Orthotics offers a range of ankle braces and supports to help manage the painful symptoms of Achilles Tendonitis.

Products for Achillies Tendonitis